Construction workers have been deemed essential in many places that are under shelter-in-place orders, which means that they are hard at work, but still need to practice safety measures like keeping their distance from others and washing or sanitizing their hands often on the job site.
Construction workers’ hands normally take a beating from heavy workloads but mix in the constant rubbing and scrubbing to clean them and they can quickly become raw, cracked or sore, which can make it difficult to perform their job.
Regular moisturizers and creams can’t handle this type of skin damage, and some that contain alcohol or are water-based can also have a drying effect, the last thing they need.
Gloves In A Bottle shielding lotion is different because it actually bonds with the skin to make a protective layer that lasts through four hours of washing and sanitizing until it needs to be reapplied. Its unique formula helps rebuild the skin so it can hold its own natural oils and moisture again while reducing skin irritation from over washing and overuse.