Dust off the Dirndls and Lederhosen, the Arizona branch of the ACE Mentor Program of America (ACE) is excited to announce “Pokerfest,” this year’s Octoberfest-inspired Poker Night. ACE’s biggest fundraiser of the year will be held on Thursday, October 21st, with doors opening at 5:30 p.m. and festivities beginning at 7 p.m.
"We are so pleased to be able to gather again this year for Poker Night, which has grown into an event that our industry really supports," said ACE Board Co-Chair Antonya Williams, Executive Vice President at McCarthy Building Companies. "We appreciate all of those who have gotten behind the ACE program and look forward to seeing everyone at the tables."
Okland Construction will host the event at its offices located at 1700 N. McClintock Dr. in Tempe. Pokerfest will be a memorable night with industry partners competing in a poker tournament. A craps table will also be available, Braut Haus will offer food and beer, and Oktoberfest-themed attire is highly recommended.
"This event is so important to our organization in helping to fund scholarships for our future industry leaders," said ACE Board Chair Dan Puente, Founder and CEO of DP Electric. "And, it's so much fun."
Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers in the poker tournament, with $2,000 for the winner, $1,000 for second place, and $500 for third. There will also be a raffle during the event, with the winner receiving Floor Suite tickets to a Phoenix Suns game in November. These tickets include food and drinks.
Registration for the event is $100 for ACE members and $200 for non-members. Sponsorships are still available.
Founded in 1994, the ACE Mentor Program of America is a free, award-winning, after-school program designed to lead high school students into pursuing careers in the Architecture, Construction, and Engineering industries, including skilled trades. ACE programs are delivered by more than 70 affiliates (chapters), operating in 37 states and primarily based in metropolitan areas.
To RSVP, buy tickets, sponsor the event, or for more information, reach out to Morgan.Betancourt@okland.com or stephanie@premiumorganization.com or visit acementoraz.com.
The ACE Mentor Program of America, Inc. (ACE) is a national mentoring program for high school students that inspires them to pursue careers in design and construction. The mission of ACE is to engage, excite and enlighten students to pursue careers in architecture, engineering, and construction through mentoring and supporting their continued advancement in the industry. ACE not only engages sponsors and volunteer mentors to expose students to real-world opportunities, it financially supports each student's continued success through scholarships and grants.
