Valley commuters are pleased that, in baseball terms, construction on the I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project has rounded first base and shows no signs of slowing down as it heads toward home in 2024. This progress is significant, as Broadway Curve is ADOT's largest urban freeway reconstruction project.
Marcy McMacken, ADOT’s Community Outreach Project Manager and PIO for the project, says that its currently in Phase 2 of its four phases. “Phase I was completed in July 2022. During Phase 2, work will include widening the I-10 bridges over the Salt River, completing the new 48th Street and Broadway Road bridges over I-10, constructing new bridges at the US 60/I-10 interchange, and building Collector-Distributor roads next to east- and westbound I-10 between Baseline Road and 40th Street.”
McMacken adds that Phase 2 is scheduled for completion in late 2023, and the entire project's completion date is late 2024.
The I-10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project runs along 11 miles of Interstate 10 between Loop 202 and I-17 near Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Additional work will occur on approximately one mile of east- and westbound US 60 between I-10 and Hardy Drive and on about one mile of north- and southbound State Route 143 between I-10 and the southern end of the SR 143 bridge over the Salt River.
Currently, approximately 300,000 vehicles pass through the I-10 Broadway Curve between Baseline Road and 40th Street on an average weekday, according to McMacken. “This number is projected to increase 25 percent by 2040,” she says. “Once this project is completed, travelers will experience less traffic congestion, improved commutes during peak traffic hours, and better access to and from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, as well as to the over 4,600 businesses within the project corridor."
The Broadway Curve project is being delivered as a Public-Private Partnership (P3) and Design-Build (DB). Unlike traditional design-bid-build projects, DB projects are delivered by teams with one contract with ADOT for design and construction services. For this project, the DB team is known as the Developer. The Developer is a joint venture of Pulice Construction Inc., FNF Construction Inc., and Flatiron Constructors, Inc., known as Broadway Curve Constructors. The project designers are T.Y. Lin International Group, Stanley Consultants, and Aztec Engineering.
McMacken says the project has been on schedule, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been some challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. "When the pandemic hit in 2020, it was at a time when ADOT's Broadway Curve team was nearing completion of the procurement process for this complex Public Private Partnership (P3) design-build project. As a result, the team had to adjust to a completely virtual world to complete project procurement and begin work on the project."
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This article originally appeared in the bimonthly Arizona Contractor & Community magazine, May/Jun 2023 issue, Vol. 12, No. 3.